Wednesday, April 2, 2008

April Showers....

With spring finally making an appearance after what feels like the longest winter yet, I was anxious to teach the children the April phrase,
"April showers, bring May flowers!"
For this project, I printed out a spring bunny template, gave each child a row of water paints and let them loose on their April showers bunny.
As they painted the first of 3 sheets, we spoke of the objects on the paper.
Such as, "What is an umbrella used for?"

Using my original template, each child chose a color for the bunnies nose and inner ears.

Following the bunny head, were the raindrops.

We talked about what color you see when you look at the ocean and colored the raindrops blue.

Next, I cut out a cloud image for each child, covered it with glue and tore up a few cotton balls.

While doing this, I asked, "Why would we use cotton for clouds?"

One child, said, "Because they're white."

I said, "Yes, and also because when you look up in the sky do the clouds look soft like cotton?"

They answered, "Yes."

After each piece of the puzzle was completed, we allowed them to dry over lunch and rest time.

During rest time, I cut each out.

After rest time, children assembled their April showers bunny project!
Today...comes the May flowers!

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