Friday, April 18, 2008

Let's Bowl!

Ever wonder what you can do with those empty creamer bottles?
I did too!

I do have a fun winter project for them, but now that I have 15 bottles and winter's another 7 months away....what can I do with them now?

I put my thinking cap on and came up with...bowling!

I pulled out my permanent markers and began numbering my pins 1-10.

Not only will this be a fun new game, but will also help the kids recognize their numbers.

My plan is to number the next 10 bottles I save with 11-20 for the children who already know 1-10.

Once they were numbered I added a few squiggly lines for decoration:
I decided to add some rice to the bottles for weight:

To minimize the mess of pouring rice into the bottle, I cut a hole in the bottom of a paper cup, set it on top of the creamer bottle, and poured a small amount of rice inside:

Once complete, we were ready to bowl!

Since the weather is so beautiful today, we set the game up outdoors, but easily could have played indoors as well with a lighter ball.

**Let the bowling begin!**

Each child was so happy and excited, often clapping their hands and jumping up and down when they knocked pins down!

Once they knocked 'em all down, the kids worked together to put them back up and bowled again!

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